
Can you use a HSA for medical marijuanas?

Discover the latest information on using a Health Savings Account (HSA) for medical marijuana in 2024.

As the use of medical marijuana becomes more widely accepted and legalized in various states, many individuals are wondering if they can use a Health Savings Account (HSA) to cover the expenses associated with medical marijuana. In this article, we will explore the topic and provide updated information for 2024.

Can you use HSA for medical marijuanas?

One common question that arises is whether HSA funds can be used for medical marijuana. The short answer is no. HSA funds can only be used for qualified medical expenses as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Currently, the IRS does not recognize medical marijuana as a qualified medical expense.

While this may be disappointing for those who rely on medical marijuana for their health conditions, it's important to understand the reasoning behind this restriction. The IRS bases its definition of qualified medical expenses on federal law, which still considers marijuana illegal at the federal level.

Medical marijuana has been a topic of much debate and controversy in recent years. Its use as a treatment option for various medical conditions, such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis, has gained significant attention. Advocates argue that medical marijuana can provide relief and improve the quality of life for patients who have not responded well to traditional medications.

However, despite the growing acceptance and legalization of medical marijuana in many states, the federal government still classifies it as a Schedule I controlled substance. This classification means that marijuana is considered to have a high potential for abuse and has no accepted medical use.

As a result, the IRS follows federal law when determining what expenses are eligible for HSA funds. The agency has not recognized medical marijuana as a legitimate medical expense, even in states where it is legal for medical purposes. This means that individuals cannot use their HSA funds to purchase medical marijuana or related products.

It's worth noting that the IRS periodically reviews its list of qualified medical expenses and may make changes in the future. As attitudes and laws surrounding medical marijuana continue to evolve, there is a possibility that the IRS could reconsider its stance. However, until there is a change in federal law, HSA funds cannot be used for medical marijuana.

It's also important to consider the potential implications of using HSA funds for medical marijuana. While some states have legalized its use, others have not. This creates a complex legal landscape where individuals may face legal consequences for using medical marijuana, even if they have a legitimate medical need.

Additionally, using HSA funds for medical marijuana could also have tax implications. If the IRS were to recognize medical marijuana as a qualified medical expense in the future, individuals would need to ensure that they comply with any applicable tax laws and reporting requirements.

In conclusion, while medical marijuana may offer potential benefits for certain health conditions, it is currently not recognized as a qualified medical expense by the IRS. HSA funds can only be used for expenses that meet the IRS criteria, which do not include medical marijuana. It's important for individuals to stay informed about the evolving legal and regulatory landscape surrounding medical marijuana to make informed decisions about their healthcare expenses.

Can you use a health saving account (HSA) for medical marijuanas?

In alignment with federal regulations and the IRS guidelines, the use of an HSA for medical marijuana expenses is not permitted. Despite the state-level legalization and recognition of medical marijuana, the federal restrictions take precedence in determining the eligibility of expenses for HSA funds.

It's essential to note that HSA funds are intended for expenses related to the prevention, treatment, or mitigation of a disease or medical condition. While medical marijuana may offer relief for certain conditions, it falls outside the boundaries set by the current regulations governing HSA usage.

What are the benefits of using a HSA for medical marijuanas?

Although you cannot use an HSA to cover the costs of medical marijuana, it's worth exploring the benefits of having an HSA for other medical expenses.

  1. Tax advantages: Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, and the earnings on the account are tax-free. This can help you save money on your healthcare expenses.
  2. Budgeting and saving: By contributing regularly to your HSA, you can build up a fund specifically for healthcare needs. This can provide peace of mind and financial stability when unexpected medical expenses arise.
  3. Long-term savings: Unlike Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), HSA funds do not expire at the end of the year. Any unused funds can roll over from year to year, allowing you to accumulate savings for future medical needs.

While these benefits may not directly apply to medical marijuana expenses, they can significantly assist individuals in managing their healthcare costs.

What are the downsides of using a HSA for medical marijuanas?

While HSA funds cannot be used for medical marijuana, it is important to consider the downsides of using an HSA for other medical expenses to make an informed decision about your healthcare financial planning.

One potential downside is the requirement of a high-deductible health insurance plan (HDHP) to qualify for an HSA. HDHPs typically have lower monthly premiums but higher deductibles than traditional health insurance plans. This means you will have to pay more out-of-pocket before your HSA funds kick in.

Another point to consider is that HSA funds can only be used for qualified medical expenses. This limitation may restrict your ability to use the funds as you wish, especially if you have unique healthcare needs or alternative treatment options that are not covered by your HDHP.

HSA vs FSA for medical marijuanas

While the use of both HSA and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds for medical marijuana is currently not allowed under federal regulations, it can be helpful to understand the differences between these two types of accounts.

An HSA is available to individuals enrolled in an HDHP. Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, and funds can be invested and grown over time. On the other hand, an FSA is not tied to a specific insurance plan and is often offered by employers. FSAs have a "use-it-or-lose-it" rule, meaning any unused funds expire at the end of the plan year or grace period.

Both HSAs and FSAs have their own set of advantages and considerations. It's essential to evaluate your healthcare needs and financial situation to determine which option may be more suitable for you, regardless of medical marijuana expenses.

Where can you find more information about HSA eligibility for medical marijuanas?

If you would like to obtain more information regarding HSA eligibility for medical marijuana, it is recommended to consult with a tax professional or an HSA provider. They can provide the most up-to-date information and guidance based on your specific circumstances and the prevailing regulations.

Stay informed and make decisions about your healthcare expenses based on accurate and reliable information.

In conclusion, while the use of an HSA for medical marijuana expenses is not permitted due to federal regulations, understanding the limitations and possibilities of utilizing HSAs for other medical expenses is crucial. By considering the benefits and downsides of HSAs and exploring available information, individuals can make informed decisions about their healthcare financial planning.

What do you do if you're unsure?

If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult your HSA provider or a tax professional to confirm expense eligibility. 

What are HSA benefits for employers?

If you’re an employer, there are multiple benefits to offering HSA to your employees, including:

  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • It’s a cost-effective healthcare option
  • Enhances employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Increases the utilization of employee benefits
  • Has tax advantages for both you and your employees

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on what is an HSA

Get started with Forma today

Looking to offer an HSA as part of your employee benefits package? At Forma, we provide Pre-tax Accounts - including HSAs - to companies worldwide. 

If you want your business to profit from the employee and employer benefits of HSAs, fill out the form below, and one of our experts will be in touch.