
Can you use a HSA for emotional support animal?

Learn about the latest updates on using a Health Savings Account (HSA) for your emotional support animal in 2024.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of emotional support animals (ESAs) in providing comfort and companionship to individuals with mental health conditions. These animals offer invaluable support and have become an integral part of many people's lives. However, the question of whether a health saving account (HSA) can be utilized to cover the expenses associated with owning an emotional support animal remains a topic of interest and discussion. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of using an HSA for an emotional support animal and shed light on the benefits and downsides of such an approach.

Can you use HSA for emotional support animal?

Before delving deeper into the subject, it is essential to understand what an HSA entails. A health saving account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged medical savings account that allows individuals to contribute pre-tax money to cover eligible medical expenses. These accounts are typically offered in conjunction with high-deductible health insurance plans.

While HSAs provide considerable flexibility in using funds for a wide range of medical expenses, the coverage for emotional support animals can be quite complex. Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the governing body responsible for determining HSA-eligible expenses, does not consider the costs associated with owning an emotional support animal as qualifying medical expenses.

However, it is important to note that emotional support animals play a crucial role in the well-being of many individuals. These animals provide comfort, companionship, and emotional support to people with various mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

While HSAs may not cover the expenses directly related to emotional support animals, there are other avenues available to individuals seeking financial assistance for their furry companions. Some insurance plans, for example, offer coverage for therapy animals, including emotional support animals. It is worth exploring these options to determine if they can provide the necessary support.

Additionally, there are organizations and charities that provide grants or financial assistance specifically for individuals who require emotional support animals. These programs aim to alleviate the financial burden associated with owning and caring for an emotional support animal, ensuring that those in need can benefit from their therapeutic presence without undue financial strain.

Furthermore, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or mental health specialist who can provide guidance on the benefits of having an emotional support animal. They can help determine if an emotional support animal is a suitable treatment option and provide necessary documentation to support the need for such an animal.

While HSAs may not cover the costs of owning an emotional support animal, it is crucial to recognize the invaluable support these animals provide to individuals struggling with mental health conditions. Exploring alternative financial assistance options and seeking professional guidance can help individuals navigate the complexities of owning an emotional support animal while managing their healthcare expenses effectively.

Can you use a health saving account (HSA) for emotional support animal?

As of 2024, the eligibility of using an HSA to cover the expenses related to an emotional support animal remains unchanged. Despite the increasing recognition and importance of ESAs, the IRS has not categorized these costs as qualified medical expenses.

This means that funds from an HSA cannot be directly used to pay for expenses such as veterinary care, pet supplies, or any other expenses incurred in connection with owning an emotional support animal.

What are the benefits of using an HSA for emotional support animal?

While an HSA may not directly cover the expenses of an emotional support animal, there are still potential benefits associated with having an HSA in general. One of the key advantages is the ability to set aside pre-tax funds to cover a wide range of medical expenses.

  1. Tax advantages: Contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible, and any earnings or interest from the account are tax-free. Additionally, withdrawals from the account are also tax-free when used for qualified medical expenses.
  2. Flexibility and control: With an HSA, individuals have control over how their healthcare dollars are spent. They can decide when and how to use the funds, providing greater flexibility for medical expenses.
  3. Savings for the future: The funds in an HSA can roll over from year to year, allowing individuals to build up savings over time for future medical expenses. This can be particularly beneficial in cases where unexpected veterinary expenses arise.

What are the downsides of using an HSA for emotional support animal?

While there are benefits to having an HSA, it is crucial to consider the downsides when it comes to using it for expenses related to an emotional support animal.

The main drawback is the IRS's strict guidelines regarding eligible medical expenses. As mentioned earlier, the expenses associated with owning an emotional support animal, including veterinary care and pet supplies, are not considered qualified medical expenses. This means that even if you have funds in your HSA, you cannot use them directly to cover these specific costs.

Additionally, not all individuals may have an HSA, as eligibility requires enrollment in a high-deductible health insurance plan. Therefore, those without an HSA would not even have the option to use these funds for any medical expenses, including those related to an emotional support animal.

HSA vs FSA for emotional support animal

While an HSA may not provide coverage for emotional support animal expenses, some individuals may have access to a flexible spending account (FSA) instead. An FSA is similar to an HSA in that it allows individuals to set aside pre-tax funds for medical expenses. However, there are a few key differences to note.

Unlike an HSA, an FSA is not tied to a high-deductible health plan, making it available to a broader range of individuals. However, one significant drawback of an FSA is the "use it or lose it" rule, which requires individuals to spend their FSA funds within the plan year or lose them.

While an FSA may provide some flexibility for certain medical expenses, the same limitations still apply to emotional support animal-related expenses. Therefore, neither an HSA nor an FSA can be used directly to cover the costs associated with owning an emotional support animal.

Where can you find more information about HSA eligibility for emotional support animal?

If you are seeking more information or clarification regarding HSA eligibility for emotional support animal-related expenses, it is always advisable to consult a qualified tax professional or financial advisor. They will be able to provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you navigate the complex rules and regulations surrounding HSAs.

Furthermore, reaching out to reputable organizations or websites specializing in emotional support animals, such as the National Service Animal Registry (NSAR) or the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP), may also offer valuable insights and resources on this topic.

In conclusion

While the benefits of emotional support animals are widely recognized, the use of an HSA to cover their expenses remains limited. As of 2024, the IRS does not consider the costs associated with owning an emotional support animal as qualified medical expenses eligible for coverage through an HSA. Nonetheless, HSAs still present numerous advantages for healthcare expenses in general. If you have questions or are contemplating utilizing an HSA, it is essential to consult with a professional to understand your options and make informed decisions.

What do you do if you're unsure?

If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult your HSA provider or a tax professional to confirm expense eligibility. 

What are HSA benefits for employers?

If you’re an employer, there are multiple benefits to offering HSA to your employees, including:

  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • It’s a cost-effective healthcare option
  • Enhances employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Increases the utilization of employee benefits
  • Has tax advantages for both you and your employees

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on what is an HSA

Get started with Forma today

Looking to offer an HSA as part of your employee benefits package? At Forma, we provide Pre-tax Accounts - including HSAs - to companies worldwide. 

If you want your business to profit from the employee and employer benefits of HSAs, fill out the form below, and one of our experts will be in touch.