
Can you use a HSA for chiropractor?

Learn all about using a Health Savings Account (HSA) for chiropractic care in 2024.

In recent years, many individuals have turned to alternative medical treatments such as chiropractic care to address various health concerns. With the rising popularity of these treatments, a commonly asked question is whether a Health Savings Account (HSA) can be used to cover the expenses of chiropractor visits. In this article, we will explore the eligibility and benefits of using an HSA for chiropractic care, as well as delve into the potential drawbacks and alternatives to consider. So, let's find out if you can use your HSA for chiropractor visits in the year 2024.

Can you use a HSA for chiropractor?

Before we delve into the finer details, let's address the primary question at hand - can you use a Health Savings Account for chiropractor visits? The answer is generally, yes. As long as the chiropractic care is considered a qualified medical expense by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), it can be paid for using HSA funds.

Chiropractic care falls under the umbrella of "preventive care" and "treatment of a medical condition" as defined by the IRS. This means that if your chiropractor visits are related to a specific medical condition or if you use chiropractic care as a preventive measure, you can utilize your HSA funds to cover the associated expenses.

Chiropractic care has gained popularity over the years as a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing various musculoskeletal conditions. It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Chiropractors use manual adjustment techniques to restore proper alignment and function of the spine, which can help alleviate pain and improve overall well-being.

When it comes to using your HSA for chiropractic care, it's important to keep in mind that not all expenses may be eligible. The IRS has specific guidelines regarding what qualifies as a qualified medical expense. Generally, expenses that are primarily for the prevention or alleviation of a physical or mental defect or illness, including chiropractic care, are considered eligible.

It's worth noting that while chiropractic care is generally eligible for HSA reimbursement, there may be certain limitations or restrictions imposed by your specific HSA provider. It's always a good idea to review your HSA plan documents or consult with your HSA administrator to ensure that your chiropractic expenses are eligible for reimbursement.

Furthermore, it's important to keep accurate records of your chiropractic visits and expenses. This includes obtaining detailed receipts that clearly indicate the nature of the services provided and the associated costs. These records will be essential if you ever need to substantiate your expenses or if you are audited by the IRS.

In conclusion, if your chiropractic care is related to a specific medical condition or used as a preventive measure, you can use your HSA funds to cover the associated expenses. However, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the IRS guidelines and any restrictions imposed by your HSA provider to ensure that your expenses are eligible for reimbursement. Remember to keep detailed records of your chiropractic visits and expenses to support your claims, if necessary.

What are the benefits of using a HSA for chiropractor?

Using an HSA to pay for chiropractic care offers numerous benefits. Firstly, contributing to an HSA allows you to save pre-tax dollars, thereby reducing your taxable income. By utilizing these funds for your chiropractor visits, you effectively lower your out-of-pocket expenses.

Moreover, utilizing an HSA empowers you to have greater control over your healthcare choices. Unlike insurance plans with strict networks, HSAs enable you to choose your preferred chiropractor without worrying about in-network restrictions. You can select a chiropractor who aligns with your values and provides the level of care you desire.

Additionally, using an HSA grants you the flexibility to use the funds on other eligible medical expenses, such as prescription medications, dental treatments, and vision care, further maximizing the utility of your account.

What are the downsides of using a HSA for chiropractor?

While utilizing an HSA for chiropractic care has its advantages, it's important to consider the potential downsides as well. One significant drawback is that not all chiropractic treatments may be eligible for HSA coverage. The IRS dictates that the treatments must be medically necessary or fall into the category of prevention or treatment of a specific medical condition.

Furthermore, it is crucial to keep in mind that the funds in an HSA are limited and subject to annual contribution limits. Therefore, if you have multiple medical expenses, including chiropractic visits, you may need to carefully budget and prioritize your healthcare expenditures.

HSA vs FSA for chiropractor

When it comes to using tax-advantaged accounts for chiropractic care, it's essential to understand the differences between a Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

One primary distinction between the two is that HSAs are available only to individuals enrolled in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), while FSAs are typically offered alongside traditional health insurance plans. If you have an HDHP, you can contribute to an HSA, whereas an FSA is only available if your employer offers it.

Another key difference lies in the rollover of funds. With an HSA, any unused funds can be carried over and accumulate from year to year, ensuring that your savings grow over time. On the other hand, FSAs operate on a "use it or lose it" basis, meaning any unspent funds at the end of the year generally do not roll over and are forfeited.

Given these differences, if chiropractic care is a significant aspect of your healthcare needs, an HSA may offer greater long-term benefits and flexibility compared to an FSA.

Where can you find more information about HSA eligibility for chiropractor?

If you are seeking more detailed information regarding the eligibility of chiropractic care for HSA coverage, it is always best to consult official sources. The IRS website provides comprehensive guidelines on qualified medical expenses that are eligible for HSA funds. Additionally, your HSA provider or employer's human resources department can offer specific information regarding your plan's provisions for chiropractic care.

In conclusion, utilizing a Health Savings Account for chiropractic care can be an effective way to manage your healthcare expenses while enjoying tax advantages. By understanding the eligibility criteria, benefits, and potential drawbacks, you can make informed decisions about incorporating chiropractic visits into your overall healthcare strategy. Remember to consult official sources and your plan's specifics to ensure HSA eligibility and maximize the benefits it can provide. With the flexibility and empowerment an HSA offers, you can prioritize your well-being and take control of your healthcare journey.

What do you do if you're unsure?

If you’re unsure, it’s best to consult your HSA provider or a tax professional to confirm expense eligibility. 

What are HSA benefits for employers?

If you’re an employer, there are multiple benefits to offering HSA to your employees, including:

  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • It’s a cost-effective healthcare option
  • Enhances employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Increases the utilization of employee benefits
  • Has tax advantages for both you and your employees

Want to learn more? Check out our blog on what is an HSA

Get started with Forma today

Looking to offer an HSA as part of your employee benefits package? At Forma, we provide Pre-tax Accounts - including HSAs - to companies worldwide. 

If you want your business to profit from the employee and employer benefits of HSAs, fill out the form below, and one of our experts will be in touch.